ZemlyakoFF Crop Protection

The International company «ZemlyakoFF» is a recognized leader among the producers of plant protection products nowadays. Under the brand name «ZemlyakoFF» are producing about 70 modern preparations that have no direct analogues in the combination of active ingredients, or their formulations.
Today, the company «ZemlyakoFF» produces two lines of products: «ZemlyakoFF CROP PROTECTION» and «ZemlyakoFF GREEN LINE».
Expanding our product range, we are expanding the geography of the company. Brand «ZemlyakoFF» products offers almost every region of Russia today, all the more agrarian market professionals trust us to protect their fields.
- Address: Domovladenie 4, building 1, block A, office 614A, Moscow, Kiyewskoe shosse, 22nd km., p. Moscovskiy, 108811
- Tel.: +7 (495) 2490037
- E-mail: [email protected]