

AgroForum - official media partner of YugAgro

LLC Institute of Agricultural Development (publisher of federal magazines AgroForum, Effective Livestock, Food Industry, circulation of 20,000 / 20,000 / 15,000, target audience - managers and specialists of the agro-industrial complex and processing industry).

"AgroForum" - the leading all-Russian agrarian publication for executives and specialists of APK.

"Effective animal" - the federal edition of advanced technologies in the modern animal husbandry for managers and agribusiness professionals. The journal mission - to provide readers with high-quality, reliable information Russian livestock industry.

"Food Industry" - the all-Russian magazine for professionals in the food industry. magazine's mission: to promote maximum food industry in Russia.


  • Address: 350089, Krasnodar, Boulevard Ring, 17
  • Telephone: 8(861)278-31-80, 8928-272-52-60
  • E-mail: [email protected]
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