The YugAgro Business Programme is the perfect platform for establishing dialogues between agricultural producers, agribusinesses and government departments.

It brings together market leaders, so they can network, and discuss the future of Russia’s agro-industrial development.

Each annual agenda covers all key industry-related issues, such as legislative changes, new innovations, export statistics, production growth and more.

YugAgro’s Business Programme receives support and attention from large-scale businesses and the Russian government. In 2022, for example, YugAgro’s Plenary Session hosted:

  • Andrey N. Korobka, Deputy Governor of the Krasnodar Krai;
  • Alexander I. Trubilin, Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Krai, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Rector of Kuban State Agrarian University;
  • Pavel N. Kosov, General Director of Rosagroleasing JSC;
  • Aleksey N. Shveitsov, First Deputy General Director, Director of the Center for Sales, Marketing and Service of Rostselmash;
  • Boris V. Filin, Deputy Director for Sales of Petersburg Tractor Plant JSC.
YugAgro business program
YugAgro business program
YugAgro business program

YugAgro business program recap 2022

We are currently working on the YugAgro 2024 Business Programme. Please stay tuned for more updates.